Social Studies Course Descriptions

0450 World Studies   

Description:  The purpose of World Studies is for students to develop an understanding of how our modern society has developed over time.  A thematic and interdisciplinary approach is used to understand the political, social, economic, and geographic forces that have shaped the past and continue to shape the present world.  Learning activities include document analysis, discussions, role-playing simulations, and communicating informed and reasoned arguments.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04051A000, World History Overview

0444 Advanced Placement World History                                                                                                  AP Class Weighted

Description:  The course highlights the nature of changes in global frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. It emphasizes relevant factual knowledge, leading interpretive issues, and skills in analyzing types of historical evidence. Specific themes provide further organization to the course, along with consistent attention to contacts among societies that form the core of world history as a field of study.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04057A000, AP World History

04170 Ancient World History   

Description:  Ancient World History is a survey of major themes from prehistory to the development of civilization to the Renaissance.  This course will emphasize the acquisition and application of social studies skills, such as historical research, analysis, and interpretation.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04060A000, Ancient and Medieval History

04030 Geography   

Description: World Geography will develop skills related to geography and other social studies courses through reading, writing, and research.  Using geography’s unique perspective of spatial relationships, a variety of systems will be studied and the student will develop a comparative understanding of various regions of the world.  Major regions studied will include North America, South America, Europe, Russia, and the Eurasian republics. 

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04001A000, World Geography

04100 Sociology   

Description:  Sociology is the study of human behavior and investigates basic social concepts to understand why people act as they do.  Activities such as discussions and lectures are used to encourage students to form and voice opinions concerning the structure and operation of society.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04258A000, Sociology

04120 Social Problems   

Description:  This course applies the methods of sociology to the analysis of specific problem areas affecting society today.  Through group discussions and individual inquiry, students are encouraged to form voice political and sociological opinions on causes, effects, and solutions to certain social problems.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04299A000, Social Sciences Other

04130 Psychology   

Description: This course examines the influences that affect the formation of behavior patterns in humans.  Units of instruction include:  Human Growth and Development, Personality Development, Sensation and Perception, Learning, and Psychological Disorders. 

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04254A000, Psychology

04140 Psychology 2   

Description: This course is a continuation of Psychology.  Units of instruction include Psychological Therapies, States of Consciousness, Cognition, Motivation & Emotion, Psychological Testing, and Social Psychology.  This course concludes with a major cumulative project.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04254A000, Psychology

04160  Advanced Placement Psychology                                                                     AP Class Weighted   

Description: The goals of this course are to learn about the discipline of Psychology to prepare students to take the AP exam in Psychology and to experience the rigor of college-level work while in high school.  Emphasis is placed on the application of theories from introductory psychology.  

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04256A000, AP Psychology

0421 US History   

Description:  This two semester, writing-intensive course traces the political, economic, and social development of the United States.  Using a thematic approach, today’s present-day issues are examined through a historical perspective.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04101A000, U.S. History Comprehensive

0465 American Studies   

Description:  American Studies is a team-taught, double-period course that fulfills the graduation requirements in both English 11 and U.S. History. Junior level students will use critical thinking and analytical skills to survey American history from the colonial era to the present, with special emphasis on historical and rhetorical analysis. The course will train students to communicate clearly in writing and speech while exploring American culture from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will use project-based learning to investigate a larger understanding of what it means to be an American (in the past, present, and future of our country). Learning activities include reading, research, composition, reflection, and oral presentation, in both individual and collaborative modes. 

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 04101A000, U.S. History Comprehensive and 01003A000, English/Language Arts III (11th Grade)

0430 Advanced Placement US History                                                                            AP Class Weighted

Description:  Advanced Placement American History is a two-semester, writing intensive course providing an in depth study of American History.  Through class activities and student presentations, students will use historical methodology to investigate and understand the American character using a seminar approach.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04104A000, AP U.S. History

04090 Economics   

Description: Economics will develop an initial understanding of our economic system.  The concepts of supply, demand, and price structure will be applied in surveying economic decision-making.  The class is recommended for the college bound and business-oriented student.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04201A000, Economics

04070 American Government   

Description:  This course is a study of the origins, development, structure, and functions of American national government. Basic concepts of state and local government and their relationships with the federal government are also examined. All students are required to pass this course and pass the U.S. Constitution and the Illinois Constitution exams.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04151A000, U.S. Government Comprehensive

04400 Advanced Placement  U.S. Government & Politics                                 AP Class Weighted

Description:  This college level survey course provides an introduction into operation of American national government and will give students an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States.  AP Government is for students who wish to be academically challenged, have strong reading and writing skills and plan to take the AP exam in the spring.  The course will also include the United States and Illinois Constitution tests required for graduation.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04159A000, AP Government

04600B Global Scholars

Description:  Global Scholar Capstone is a course designed to cover the requirements of the Illinois Global Scholar Capstone Project as well as serve as the capstone class for the Illinois Global Certification.  This course requires students to investigate a global issue connected/related to one of more academic disciplines.  Students will propose research-based solutions and develop an action plan and/or artifact, which will be shared with an authentic audience.  Students will document the entire process and reflect on their learning throughout the experience. Student needs to be on track to have any 8 of these classes before graduation.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered

State Course: 04064A000, Contemporary World Issues