Ninth Grade English
Students are placed in freshman English using a combination of eighth grade student progress and test results.
0103 English 9
Grade Level: 9
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: None
NCAA Approved
Description: This course focuses on student’s development of reading and writing skills at the ninth grade level. Students will read a variety of texts that include but are not limited to the following genres: short stories, novels, plays, and mythology. Student skills will be developed according to grade level scales that focus on narrative and argumentative writing, theme analysis, word and figurative language meaning, and grammar rules. This is a writing intensive course.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Hero’s Journey
Critical Reading and Writing
Shakespearean Tragedy
Argument Rules and Theory
State Course: 01001A000, English/Language Arts I
0108 English 9 Enrichment
Grade Level: 9
Credits Earned: 1.0 (Counts as an elective credit)
Prerequisite: 8th Grade Teacher Recommendation
Description: A two semester course taken in addition to English 9 intended to reinforce language and reading skills for freshmen with an identified deficit in those areas. This course is not intended as a study hall or resource period for English 9, but rather a course that is reading intensive and focuses on fiction and nonfiction comprehension skills as well as building reading fluency and accuracy. Daily classwork specific to English Enrichment will provide students opportunities to practice the skills necessary to achieve proficiency.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Determining the meaning of unknown words
Using effective writing skills
Determining main ideas and themes
Identifying claims and evidence
Improving reading accuracy and fluency
State Course: 01068A000, Corrective Reading
0105 English 9 Accelerated
Grade Level: 9
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: None
NCAA Approved
Description: Accelerated English 9 is intended for those students who have demonstrated a mastery of many of the skills detailed in the English 9 course description. They should write proficiently, read insightfully, and articulate skillfully. Areas of study include those listed for English 9, with additional emphasis on more intensive literary interpretation with works of greater difficulty. This is a writing intensive course.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Hero’s Journey
Critical Reading and Writing
Gothic Literature
Shakespearean/Aristotelian Tragedy
Argumentative Writing
State Course: 01001A000, English/Language Arts I