Tenth Grade English
All sophomore students will be registered for English 10.
0121 English 10
Grade Level: 10
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: English 9
NCAA Approved
Description: A core English course focused on development of analytical skills and contextual thinking. Students will work through a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts, gaining domain vocabulary in areas of literary analysis, multimedia composition, and rhetoric. Students will be assessed through multimedia compositions, project-based and inquiry methods, and a variety of writing tasks.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Literary Analysis
Thematic and Tonal Analysis
Critical and Cultural Contexts of Literature
Compositions for Academic and Professional Purposes
Rhetorical Analysis
State Course: 01002A000, English/Language Arts II
0123 English 10 Accelerated
Grade Level: 10
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: English 9
NCAA Approved
Description: A survey course of World Literature, English 10AC teaches the same targets as English 10, but goes more in depth and uses some more complex texts to provide a challenge for students whose reading, writing, and speaking skill levels are already high. World War I and World War II, as well as other wars, appear in many course texts, and will provide a background for studying why and how authors choose to craft their texts, for analyzing rhetoric, for writing informatively in various ways, and for speaking confidently on a research topic.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Author’s Choices and the Art of Writing Informatively
Reading with Rhetorical Choices in Mind and Speaking Articulately
War, The Struggle between Good and Evil
Major 20th Century Literary Movements and an Introduction to Philosophy
State Course: 01002A000, English/Language Arts II