English Electives

Students may choose electives from the following list to complete the fourth year of English credit graduation requirement.

0145 Advanced Placement  English-Literature and Composition                                                 AP Class Weighted

Description: This course will serve to enable students to become better readers, writers, and thinkers and will prepare students to successfully complete the AP English Literature and Composition Exam at the end of the year. 

This course will build on the writing skills of each student and improve them through a series of drafts, revisions and writing conferences. AP English Literature and Composition is designed to increase student skill in reading and critical literary analysis of selected prose and poetry, analytical writing, and the application of analytical skills in major novels or other major literary works.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01006A000, AP English Literature and Composition

01620 Film as Literature

Description: Film as Literature examines movies as a form of literary expression, teaching students to analyze films using the same critical lens applied to written texts, identifying and evaluating elements like plot, character development, theme, symbolism, and narrative structure within the cinematic medium, while also exploring the techniques and conventions specific to filmmaking that contribute to storytelling. 

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01061A000, Literature of a Genre

01640 Contemporary Literature   

Description: The study of contemporary literary genres through the use of novels, poetry, and drama.  Students will use material from the course to develop skills in analysis and how the material connects to the real world.  Students will read several novels throughout the course of the semester.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01053A000, Literature

01650 Creative Writing                                                                                                  

Description: The English elective course is designed for students who wish to develop their creative writing skills.  Students will read and analyze examples within the genres being studied; students will also produce original writings within the genres being studied.  Students will use peer editing and peer response to provide positive support for their fellow writers and to revise their own work. Students will create a portfolio that demonstrates their growth over the course of the semester.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01104A000, Creative Writing

01720 Speech   

Description: Advanced Oral Communication is the study of communication through the use of the spoken word connected with visual communication.  Students will use technology to research and develop presentations to be delivered in class.  Along with delivering speeches, students will use technology to visually enhance presentations.  Several types of speeches will be focused on, including informational, persuasive, symposium and the development of real world applications (podcasts, pecha kucha, interview skills, etc.).  This course is designed for students who want to improve public speaking skills and have more confidence with communicating in a public forum.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01155A000, Communications

01630 World Mythology   

Description: A study of ancient, classical, and contemporary mythologies in which students will survey myths and legends from cultures around the globe, including but not limited to Norse, Greek, Sumerian, Egyptian, Native American, and cultures of the students’ choosing. Students will learn and apply a variety of analytical techniques and lenses. The course’s scales focus on college readiness, writing development, and literary analysis.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01099A000, Literature Other

01690 Professional Writing and Communication   

Description: This course is designed to prepare all students for the writing, reading, and speaking challenges that await them in the workplace. All students, regardless of their post-secondary educational plans, will need to communicate effectively in their place of business. This course also provides students with the 21st Century Skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) necessary to be successful in whichever field they choose. Students in this course will write a variety of workplace texts and will learn to work in teams through conflict resolution strategies and leadership skills.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01156A000, Applied English and Communication

04060 Debate   

Description: This course will focus on the fundamentals of argumentation.  Students will learn to evaluate topics critically and address claims that can be made on both sides of an argument. Students will also work on rebuttal and counterclaims as well as argumentative writing skills and the honing of their speech abilities on both planned and more impromptu speaking.  

State Course: 01153A000, Forensic Speech Debate

04050 Advanced Debate   

Description: Advanced Debate is a continuation of the Debate course.  Students will be working on the same argumentative skills as the Debate course, however, at the competitive level.  This course will focus on the preparation of and competition in interscholastic debate.  This includes knowledge and practice of public speaking, and delivery and analysis.  This class will also allow students to mentor and peer teach.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 01153A000, Forensic Speech Debate

01800 Introduction to Journalism   

Description:  Students that enroll in this class will learn important journalism skills in the areas of news writing, editing, photography, layout / design and other elements of production. This class is a prerequisite and must be taken to enroll for yearbook and newspaper.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 11101A000, Journalism

0185 Journalism II    

Description:  (Formerly Newspaper) Students will create a variety of publications using elements of journalism and media design.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

Writing, technology and design, digital media, marketing and sales

 State Course: 11156A000,  Applied English and Communications

0192 Yearbook Journalism   

Description: Students will learn design layout, photography and page editing to produce the school yearbook.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 11104A000, Publication Production

0173 Transitional English  

Description:  This course is intended for seniors who are planning on attending college after graduation and would ensure college-level placement in both Reading and English courses at Rock Valley College. Students will analyze and evaluate diverse cultural topics with respect to themselves and to global contexts. Through this analysis, students will continue to develop essential reading and writing skills that will put them on track for success at the collegiate level. 

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

●     Self-awareness

●     Cultural Awareness

●     Problem Solving

 State Course: 01058A00 - World Literature

0150 Advanced Placement:  Seminar                                                                          AP Class (Weighted)      

 Description:  AP Seminar is a year-long course that has students investigate real-world issues from multiple perspectives. Students learn to synthesize information from different sources, develop their own lines of reasoning in research-based written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team.

 Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 22107A000 AP Seminar

0155 Advanced Placement:  Research                                                                     AP Class (Weighted)      

Description: The AP Research course operates as the second year of the AP Capstone program. After students learn how to enter the academic conversation in AP Seminar, the AP Research year is designed to begin that conversation. AP Research is an inquiry-based course that encourages students to locate a gap in their preferred discipline of study and to explore a topic of personal interest. Students are empowered to collect and analyze information with accuracy and precision in order to craft, communicate, and eventually defend their argument or their position.

Major Topics or Themes:  (additional topics may be covered)

State Course: 22112A000 AP Research