Bilingual Services Course Descriptions
English Language Arts
EL0591 EL English Language Arts 9
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines.
Description: This writing intensive course focuses on student’s development of reading and writing skills at the emerging level of language proficiency. Students will read a variety of text and genres. Students will write complex sentences to express ideas in the present and past tense to compose paragraphs. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Personal Identities
Families and Communities
Contemporary Life
Literature and Culture
Global Issues
State Course: 01999A000, English Language and Literature Other
EL0592 EL English Language Arts 10
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines.
Description: This course focuses on student’s development of reading and writing skills at the developing level of language proficiency. Students will read a variety text and genres. Students will expand on writing simple and complex sentences in present and past tense to compose essays. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Personal Identities
Families and Communities
Contemporary Life
Literature and Culture
Global Issues
State Course: 01999A000, English Language and Literature Other
EL0593 EL English Language Arts 11
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines.
Description: This writing intensive course focuses on student’s development of reading and writing skills at the expanding and bridging levels of language proficiency. Students will read a variety text and genres. Students will interact with literature for a variety of purposes in reading and writing. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Personal Identities
Families and Communities
Contemporary Life
Literature and Culture
Global Issues
State Course: 01999A000, English Language and Literature Other
English as a Second Language
EL0536 EL English As A Second Language 1
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 2.0 (1 English Elective Credit - 1 Elective Credit)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines. This course is recommended for students whose overall composite score on the ACCESS assessment for ELs range from 1.0-1.9.
Description: This course is designed for students’ whose primary language is not English. It focuses on student’s development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the entering level of language proficiency. Students will be exposed to essential vocabulary, grammar and functional expressions needed to communicate in English at an entering level. Students will receive native language (Spanish) support when applicable. This course is intended to be taken in conjunction with an English Language Arts course.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Social Interactions
Global Science/Social Studies
Contemporary Life
Family and Communities
Celebrations and Culture
State Course: 01008A000, English as a Second Language
EL0537 EL English As A Second Language 2
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0 (English Elective Credit)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines. This course is recommended for students whose overall composite score on the ACCESS assessment for ELs range from 2.0-2.9
Description: This course is designed for students’ whose primary language is not English. It focuses on student’s development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the emerging level of language proficiency. Students will be exposed to expanded vocabulary, complex grammar and a wider variety of functional expressions needed to communicate in English at an emerging level. Students will receive native language (Spanish) support when applicable. This course is intended to be taken in conjunction with an English Language Arts course.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Social Interactions
Global Science/Social Studies
Contemporary Life
Family and Communities
Celebrations and Culture
State Course: 01008A000, English as a Second Language
EL0538 EL English As A Second Language 3
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0 (English Elective Credit)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines. This course is recommended for students whose overall composite score on the ACCESS assessment for ELs range from 3.0 on up.
Description: This course is designed for students’ whose primary language is not English. It focuses on student’s development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the developing level of language proficiency. Students will be exposed to expressions, idioms and advanced grammar skills needed to communicate in English at a developing level. Students will receive native language (Spanish) support when applicable. This course is intended to be taken in conjunction with an English Language Arts course.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Social Interactions
Global Science/Social Studies
Contemporary Life
Family and Communities
Celebrations and Culture
State Course: 01008A000, English as a Second Language
EL0539 EL English As A Second Language 4
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0 (English Elective Credit)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines. This course is recommended for students whose overall composite score on the ACCESS assessment for ELs range from 3.0 on up.
Description: This course is designed for students’ whose primary language is not English. It focuses on student’s development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the developing level of language proficiency. Students will be exposed to expressions, idioms and advanced grammar skills needed to communicate in English at a developing level. Students will receive native language (Spanish) support when applicable. This course is intended to be taken in conjunction with an English Language Arts course.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Social Interactions
Global Science/Social Studies
Contemporary Life
Family and Communities
Celebrations and Culture
State Course: 01008A000, English as a Second Language
EL0544 EL Algebra 1
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines
NCAA Approved
Description: Algebra I provides students with the ability to problem solve and think critically about the world around them. Students will build upon the tools they learned in Pre-Algebra and take them into new functions types (Exponential and Quadratic) while preparing them for future high school math classes. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Solving, writing, and graphing linear equations
Solving a system of equations
Linear, exponential, and quadratic functions
Solving and graphing quadratic equations
Operations on polynomials
State Course: 02052A000, Algebra I
EL0542 EL Geometry
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines
NCAA Approved
Description: This course is focused on the geometry of shapes, planes and space. Emphasis is placed on understanding, applying, justifying, and developing geometric properties in two and three dimensions. Students will apply this learning to solve real-world mathematical problems. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Rigid Transformations, Angle and Line Relationships
Properties of Triangles, Polygons, Circles and 3D shapes
Introduction to Trigonometry
Forming Logical Arguments and using Deductive Reasoning
Real-world Geometric Modeling
State Course: 02072A000, Geometry
EL0547 EL Intermediate Algebra II
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Geometry and eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines
NCAA Approved
Description: This course is intended for students who require additional supports for math. Instruction will focus on building a solid understanding of Algebra 1 concepts, as well as, build foundational conceptual understanding of Algebra 2 concepts.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Linear Equations
System of Equations
Exponentials and Logarithms
State Course: 02056A000, Algebra II
EL0554 EL Integrated Science
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines
NCAA Approved
Description: Integrated Science Curriculum will explore scientific topics and their endless applications to everyday life. Over the two semesters of study, students will utilize the principles of scientific research to explore interactions between Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Biology, and Ecology. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
The Nature and Formation of the Universe
Newton’s Laws
Earth Systems
Coevolution of Life and Earth
Species Diversity
Human Impact on the Environment
State Course: 03201A000, Integrated Science
DL0307 Dual Language Biology
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Dual Language Program
NCAA Approved
Description: Biology is a laboratory-based course. In biology, students study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. They independently design and carry out investigations and communicate results. Dual Language Immersion classrooms develop high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Matter and Energy
Protein Synthesis
Cell Division and Reproduction
Evolution through Natural Selection
State Course: 03051A000, Biology
DL0315 Dual Language Biology Accelerated
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Dual Language Program
NCAA Approved
Description: AC Biology is an accelerated laboratory-based course. In AC Biology, students will study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. Students will independently design and carry out investigations and communicate results. Concepts are covered in more depth at a faster pace, and students have more responsibility for their learning. Dual Language Immersion classrooms develop high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Matter and Energy
Protein Synthesis
Cell Division and Reproduction
Evolution through Natural Selection
State Course: 03051A000, Biology
Social Studies
DL0460 Dual Language World Studies
Grade Level: 9-10
Credits Earned: 0.5
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Dual Language Program
NCAA Approved
Description: The purpose of World Studies is for students to develop an understanding of how our modern society has developed over time. A thematic and interdisciplinary approach is used to understand the political, social, economic, and geographic forces that have shaped the past and continue to shape the present world. Learning activities include document analysis, discussions, role-playing simulations, and communicating informed and reasoned arguments. Dual Language Immersion classrooms develop high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
World Religions
Political Systems
Industrial Revolution
Global Conflicts
State Course: 22151A000, Career Exploration
DL0421 Dual Language US History
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits Earned: 1.0
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Dual Language Program
NCAA Approved
Description: This two-semester, writing-intensive course traces the political, economic, and social development of the United States. Using a thematic approach, today’s present-day issues are examined from a historical perspective. Dual Language Immersion classrooms develop high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Settlement & Immigration
Role of the Government
Expansion & Imperialism
Modern Warfare
State Course: 04051A000, World History Overview
DL04070 Dual Language American Government
Grade Level: 12
Credits Earned: 0.5
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Dual Language Program
NCAA Approved
Description: This course studies the origins, development, structure, and functions of American national government. Basic concepts of state and local government and their relationships with the federal government are also examined. All students are required to pass this course and pass the U.S. Constitution and the Illinois Constitution exams. Dual Language Immersion classrooms develop high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Foundations of American Government
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches
Civil Rights & Liberties
State Course: 04151A000, U.S. Government Comprehensive
EL05780 EL Health
Grade Level: 9-12
Credits Earned: 0.5
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines
Description: This semester course focuses on students owning their personal wellness. Students will explore the areas of physical, mental/emotional, and social health. 21st Century skills of analyzing and using information, personal responsibility, and collaborating with others will be used as secondary targets. These skills are essential to support students success beyond the classroom. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Mental Health
Emergency first aid (CPR)
Alcohol, tobacco, drugs
Sex Ed
State Course: 08051A000, Health Education
DL07285 Dual Language Consumer Education
Grade Level: 10-12
Credits Earned: 0.5
Prerequisite: Enrolled in the Dual Language Program
Description: This class fulfills the State of Illinois Consumer Education requirement for graduation. It is designed to help students better understand the marketplace through the study of consumer rights, checking accounts, the banking system, budgeting, insurance, credit, real estate, consumer fraud, income tax, and investing. Dual Language Immersion classrooms develop high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Saving & Investing
Income Tax & Insurance
Credit & Banking
State Course: 22210A000, Consumer Economics/Personal Finance
EL05830 EL Career Planning
Grade Level: 9
Credits Earned: 0.5
Prerequisite: Eligibility for EL Services under ISBE guidelines
Description: Career Planning is a freshman course required for graduation. Over the course of the semester, students will work with topics that help them identify who they are, what they are interested in doing, and the potential paths available to getting there. By the end of the semester, students should have the resources needed to start planning their paths to their future. Students will receive ESL support and native language (Spanish) support when applicable.
Major Topics or Themes: (additional topics may be covered)
Self-Investigation and Awareness
Career Research
Post-Secondary and Job Readiness Skills
State Course: 22151A000, Career Exploration